Major Explorations: Architectural Studies

Welcome to Architectural Studies

One of the unique features of Architectural Studies is that it is the product of a rich liberal arts philosophy. Amherst's curriculum allows students to explore Architectural Studies from a creative, historical and theoretical perspective.

About the Architectural Studies Program

The Architectural Studies major firmly places the study of architecture in the liberal arts by encompassing the history, theory, philosophy, design, and science of the built environment. The major draws on resources and faculty from a range of disciplines across the college, which include art history, history, literature, economics, urban studies, visual and media arts, gender studies, physics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and environmental studies.

With the guidance of their Program advisor, Amherst students create an individualized course of study that may include, among others, architectural design, sustainable design, urban planning, and architectural history, theory, and criticism.

Amherst College also participates in the Five College Architectural Studies Program (FCAS).