These are general Amherst College hashtags that can be used on social media to add to or join conversations at the College. For accessibility, please be sure to capitalize each word in the hashtag.

#AmherstCollege: General College news, events and announcements

#AmherstProud: Stories or news about outstanding alumni and students

#Amherst2023: News, announcements and moments, including Commencement events, about the graduating class

#Amherst2024: News and moments celebrating the Amherst class of 2024

#Amherst2025: News and moments celebrating the Amherst class of 2025

#Amherst2026: News and moments celebrating the Amherst class of 2026

#Amherst2027: News and moments celebrating the incoming Amherst class

#AmherstVoices: An @AmherstCollege series highlighting Mammoths stories in their own words

#AmherstCollegeAlumni: General hashtag for Amherst alumni

#BeAMammoth: Campaign from the Office of Admissions to help admitted students learn more about Amherst and ultimately choose to attend Amherst

#TusksUp: A hashtag dedicated to general Mammoth pride

#GoMammoths: An opportunity to cheer on or celebrate Amherst athletic teams