Charles Pierce Moleins
Charles Pierce Moleins

Many of our class will be sad to learn of the news which recently got to the College of the death of Charles Pierre Moleins, apparently while serving as an officer in the French Army. Charles spent his junior and senior years at Amherst having studied at the Lic d' Anglais at the University of Grenoble before coming to the States. He was a member of Kappa Theta.

According to a letter from Charles' mother, he was apparently kidnapped in Algeria on Oct. 9, 1962, and since then there has been no word of him. He was declared dead, apparentIy by official decision, on Dec. 28, 1963, and received the commendation Mort Pour La France on Feb. 25, 1964.

Born in the Province of Savoie in 1934, Charles entered the French Army in 1957 and was made a second lieutenant in April, 1958 when he volunteered for the paratroopers fighting rebels in Algeria near the Tunisian border. He was reported in the spring issue of the News in 1960 to be out of Africa, stationed in Toulouse, and about to look for a job. Evidently, according to this more recent news, he was sent back to Algeria.

Certainly our class can be proud of this young man who patriotically gave his life for his country.