April 8, 2002
Director of Media Relations

AMHERST, Mass.—Paula Fredriksen, William Goodwin Aurelio Professor of the Appreciation of Scripture at Boston University, will speak on “Jesus, Paul and the Origins of Christianity” on Thursday, April 18, at 4:30 p.m. in the Cole Assembly Room in Converse Hall at Amherst College. Fredriksen’s talk, the last in a series on Rethinking Jesus: His Intellectual, Spiritual and Material World, is sponsored by the Willis D. Wood Fund and the Religion Department at Amherst College. The event is open to the public at no charge.

A specialist in the social and intellectual history of ancient Christianity, from the late Second Temple period to the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Fredriksen received degrees from Wellesley College, Oxford University and Princeton University. She has taught at Stanford University, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Pittsburgh and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

She has written books on Augustine—Augustine on Romans (1982)—and on Jesus and Christian tradition—From Jesus to Christ: The Origins of the New Testament Images of Jesus (1988). Fredriksen has written extensively on conversion, apocalypticism, Paul and his interpreters and Jewish/Gentile relations in late antiquity. She received a national Jewish Book Award for her most recent book, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews: A Jewish Life and the Emergence of Christianity (1999). She has also written reviews and essays for The New Republic and The National Review.
