October 30, 2006
Director of Media Relations

AMHERST, Mass.—Dominic Poccia, the Rufus Tyler Lincoln Professor of Biology at Amherst College, will join the advisory board of Signal Transduction: Receptors Mediators and Genes, a journal established six years ago as the official journal of the Signal Transduction Society. He has also been appointed associate editor of The Biological Bulletin, which publishes experimental research on a full range of biological topics and organisms from the fields of neurobiology, behavior, physiology, ecology, evolution, development and reproduction, cell biology, biomechanics, symbiosis and systematics. In addition, Poccia continues to serve as an associate editor for Molecular Reproduction and Development and is the associate editor in charge of the reproductive biology section of the Journal of Experimental Zoology.

Signal Transduction: Receptors Mediators and Genes is based in Germany and devoted to scientific exchange between investigators concerned with mechanisms that underlie the generation and processing of inter- and intracellular signals. As a member of the advisory board, Poccia will provide support and advice to the editors and review and solicit new submissions. He is currently editing a special edition of the journal concerning cell and developmental signaling mechanisms in echinoderms. The Biological Bulletin, published since 1897 by the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Mass., is one of America’s oldest peer-reviewed scientific journals. Its editor-in-chief is James L. Olds, director of the Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study at George Mason University, and a 1978 Amherst graduate.

Poccia’s latest project involves a paper titled “Improvisational Thinking in the Liberal Arts Curriculum” that he will deliver at the University of Michigan in December at the Inaugural Conference of the International Society for Improvised Music, “Time, Sound, and Transcendence: Forging a New Vision for Improvised Music Pedagogy and Practice,” which will include performances, workshops and papers from individuals involved in all kinds of improvised music in tradition-specific realms as well as in trans-stylistic approaches. His paper is based on experiences with his First Year Seminar 6 course Improvisational Thinking.

A member of the Amherst faculty since 1978, Poccia was educated at Union College and Harvard University. When not studying the spermatogenesis and reactivation of sperm nuclei following fertilization, Poccia plays jazz saxophone and clarinet.
