October 2, 2007
Contact: Stacey Schmeidel
Director of Public Affairs

AMHERST, Mass.—Andrew Parker, professor of English at Amherst College, is co-editor (with Janet Talley, of Harvard Law School) of a special, book-length issue of South Atlantic Quarterly.

In the issue, titled “After Sex: On Writing Since Queer Theory,” a prominent group of contributors consider queer theory since its inception in the early 1990s. The issue considers what, if anything, lies at the heart of queer studies other than its interest in sexuality. With essays intended to be more reflective than scholarly, the authors contemplate the future of queer theory by meditating on its past.

Parker, a member of the Amherst faculty since 1982, was educated at the University of Chicago and Princeton University. In 2004, Duke University Press published his translation of Jaques Ranciere’s The Philosopher and His Poor, a close reading of major texts of Western thought in which the poor have played a leading role—sometimes as the objects of philosophical analysis, sometimes as illustrations of philosophical argument.

Parker is also editor of Nationalisms and Sexualities and Performativity and Performance.
