Mark Danner, Terror, Torture, Obama and Us: Trapped in a Forever War?Play audio below, or download the MP3.

November 10, 2010

AMHERST, Mass.—Mark Danner, an acclaimed commentator on politics and foreign policy, will speak on “Terror, Torture, Obama and Us: Trapped in a Forever War?” at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 30, in Pruyne Lecture Hall of Amherst College’s Fayerweather Hall. Funded by Amherst’s Office of the President and the Victor S. Johnson Fund, Danner’s lecture is free and open to the public.

Danner is a writer and reporter who for 25 years has written on politics and foreign affairs, focusing on war and conflict. He has covered Central America, Haiti, the Balkans, Iraq and the Middle East, among many other stories. He is professor of journalism at the University of California, Berkeley, and the James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs, Politics and the Humanities at Bard College. Among his books are Stripping Bare the Body: Politics Violence War, Torture and Truth, The Secret Way to War and The Massacre at El Mozote. In addition to his positions in academia, Danner served as a longtime staff writer at The New Yorker and is a frequent contributor to The New York Review of Books. His work has appeared in Harper’s, The New York Times, Aperture and many other newspapers and magazines. He has co-written and helped produce two hour-long documentaries for the ABC News program Peter Jennings Reporting, and his work has received, among other honors, a National Magazine Award, three Overseas Press Awards and an Emmy.

In 1999 Danner was named a MacArthur Fellow. He speaks and lectures widely on foreign policy and America’s role in the world.
