The Web Services Group has a number of goals for fiscal year 2008. Most of these a directly related to the continued development of the College's content management system (CMS).

CMS-related projects 

Roll out version 2.0 of the CMS engine, incorporating a number of enhancements, including:

Support for additional media upload types (flash, java, itunes compatible podcasts at a minimum)

Comprehensive recovery from deletion tools exposed to the users

Comprehensive tools to handle users leaving/mass change of ownership of content, mass deletion of content on a per-user basis. 

Support for multiple simultaneous file uploads.

major enhancements to the monstermenus module to accomodate: need to copy individual nodes, ability to limit access to content type by role or taxonomy, ability for all users to access the revisions function, ability to set default comment profile on a per taxonomy basis, ability to limit theme types present per category. 

Enhancements to the profile module of the CMS including tools for incoming students, enhancements so the help text can differ per user role, further modularization so that we can present data in smaller segments to address performance issues.

Creation of comprehensive forms creation/data collection, maintenance and export tools (similar to

Support for 'media' galleries

Enhancements to search performance and functionality

Develop comprehensive suite of statistics/usage tools so the community can assess who is doing what, when. Similar to things like wusage, but also think tag clouds/topic maps etc.

bring the college's academic web content into the CMS, incorporating:

Major enhancements to how the college presents its curricular data 

Movement of all academic department into supported templates 

Other Projects

Develop cms-based tool for the Emily Dickinson Museum, move the museum's site and domain onto college servers, facilitate training of their staff in the use of our tools, help them with online gift processing and ecommerce (museum shop sales) and assist in their efforts to build a community presence for the museum online. 

Tags:  wsg  cms update  wsg news