Maria Mayofis

Main Publications

Submitted by Maria L. Mayofis on Friday, 5/26/2023, at 4:56 PM


2008      Vozzvanie k Evrope: Literaturnoe obshchestvo «Arzamas» i rossiiskii modernizacionny proekt 1818—1815 godov [The Call to Europe: the Literary Society “Arzamas” and the Russian Modernization Project of 1815—1818]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2008. 800 pp.

Shortlisted for Andrei Bely prize, 2008.

Edited Collections:

2016   Leo Philologiae. A Collection of Writings in Honor of Lev Sobolev's Jubilee. Ed. by Anastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaia, Artiom Zubov, Maya Kucherskaya, Maria Mayofis, and Konstantin Polivanov. Moscow.

2015 Ostrova Utopii: Pedagogicheskoe i social’noe proektirovanie poslevoennoi shkoly [ Islands of Utopia: Social and Pedagogical Approaches to Modeling Post-WWII School ]. Ed. by M. Mayofis, P. Safronov, and I. Kukulin. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.

2010    Nekanonicheskij klassik: Dmitrij Aleksandrovich Prigov (1940—2007) [ A Non-Canonical Classic: Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Prigov (1940-2007) ]. Ed. by E. Dobrenko, I. Kukulin, M. Lipovetsky, M. Mayofis. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.

2009    Antropologiia revolutsii [The Anthropology of Revolution]. Ed. by I. Prokhorova, A. Dmitriev, I. Kukulin, M. Mayofis. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.

2008 Russkaia literatura XVIII veka [The Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature]: In 2 vols. Ed. and commentaries by Andrei Kurilkin and Maria Mayofis, introduction by Andrei Zorin. Moscow: Slovo.

2008 Veselye chelovechki. Kul'turnye geroi sovetskogo detstva [Merry Little Guys: Culture Heroes of the Soviet Childhood]. Ed. by M. Lipovetsky, I. Kukulin, and M. Mayofis. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.

2002    Kritika pervoi chetverti 19-go veka [Russian Literary Criticism of the first quarter of the 19th century]. Ed. by and with foreword by M. Mayofis and A. Kurilkin. Moscow: AST. 

Articles and chapters

2024   ‘The Topos of Woman’s (Self)-Sacrifice in Late 1830s Russian Prose: Melodramatic Narratives in the Age of ‘Official Nation-Building’. Melodrama and Melodramatic Imagination in Russia: New Perspectives. Ed. by Daisuke Adachi and Marina Balina. Under consideration with University of Toronto Press. 

2023    ‘Poiski stilia: Tri rannikh filʹma Leonida Gaidaia v kontekste kinematografa vtoroi poloviny 1950-kh godov’ [‘In search of the style: three early movies of Leonid Gaidai and Soviet cinema of the late 1950s’], In: Chelovek s brilliantovoi rukoi: K 100-letiiu Leonida Gaidaia [The Man with a Diamond Hand: To the Centenary of Leonid Gaidai]. Ed. by Ja. Levchenko. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2023. P. 18—43.

2022    ‘Shaping the genealogy of the Soviet intelligentsia in two film adaptations of the 1960s.’ Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema. Vol. 16. No. 2. P. 120—140.   

2022   ‘Kuluarnye improvizacii: social'naja kooperatsiia, obkhod pravil i processy kul'turnogo proizvodstva v pozdnem SSSR. Stat'ia pervaia’ (‘Backstage Improvisations: Social Cooperation, Circumvention of the Rules, and Processes of Cultural Production in the Late USSR. Article One’) (in co-authorship with Ilya Kukulin and Maria Chetverikova). Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. No. 174. P. 81—101.

2022  ‘Kuluarnye improvizacii: social'naja kooperatsiia, obkhod pravil i processy kul'turnogo proizvodstva v pozdnem SSSR. Stat'ia vtoraia’ (‘Backstage Improvisations: Social Cooperation, Circumvention of the Rules, and Processes of Cultural Production in the Late USSR. Article Two’) (in co-authorship with Ilya Kukulin and Maria Chetverikova). Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. No. 175. P. 191—226.

2022   ‘Kultura kompromissa: pod chertoi’ (‘Culture of compromise: below the line [authors’ response to critical comments]’) (in co-authorship with Ilya Kukulin and Maria Chetverikova). Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. No. 175. P. 243—248.

2022   ‘The Late-Soviet Episteme of Childhood and Its Divergent Manifestations: Aleksandr Asarkan and Aleksandr Sharov.’ Historical and Cultural Transformations of Russian Childhood: Myths and Realities. Ed. by Marina Balina, Larissa Rudova, and Anastasia Kostetskaya. New York and London: Routledge. P. 137—156.

2021      ‘“Etot stil' blizok millionam chitatelej…»: pereosmyslenie ponjatiia "romanticheskij" v sovetskoj kul'ture 1950-kh godov’ [‘“This Style Is Close to Millions of Readers…”: Rethinking the Concept of “Romantic” in Soviet Culture of the 1950s’]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. No. 170. P. 129-146.

2021    ‘The post‑Siege logotherapy of Tamara Gabbe.’ Studies in East European Thought. 2021. P. 1-20 (

2020    “Soviet Children’s Literature of the ‘Thaw’ Period: Discoveries and Utopias”, Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature. Vol. 58. No. 2. P. 13—24.

2020      ‘Sumasshestvie, slaboumie ili social'ny nevroz?: Poet Aleksandr Kvashnin-Samarin.’ (‘Madness, Imbecility, or Social Neurosis?: The poet Alexander Kvashnin-Samarin’). The Irrational in Russian Culture. Ed. by Ju. Mannherz. Moscow: The New Literary Observer. P. 101—137.

2020    'Sozdavaia obschestva kontrolia: Norbert Elias i Anton Makarenko v 1930-e gody' [Constructing societies of control: Norbert Elias and Anton Makarenko in the 1930s]. In: Ukroshchenie povsednevnosti: Normy i praktiki Novogo Vremeni [Taming of Everyday Life: Norms and Practices in Modern History]. Ed. by Maria Nekliudova. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. P. 58—80. 

2019   'Iazykovoe konstruirovanie obrazovatel’noi politiki i istoria sovetskogo obrazovaniia' ['Linguistic Construction of Educational Politics and History of the Soviet Education'] (in co-authorship with Ilya Kukulin), Concepts, Ideas, Constructions: Essays in Comparative Historical Semantics. Ed. by Yuri Kagarlitsky, Boris Maslov, Dmitry Kalugin. Moscow: New Literary Observer. P. 395—444. 

2019   'Fathers-Heroes and Disciplined Sons: Cultural and Historical Contexts of Soviet Military Boarding Schools (1943–1950)' (in English). Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta [The Perm University Messenger]. Series “History”, no. 4. P. 85-94. 

2019     'Soviet Meistersingers: The Children’s Choral Studio Movement in the USSR (1958 to the 1980s),” Russian Studies in History, 2019. Vol. 58. No. 2-3. P. 89-119. 

2019   '“Deti moi iavliaiutsia tretiim pokoleniem rabotnikov iskusstv”: kommunikativnye funktsii domashnikh memuarov 1930-kh godov” [“‘My Children Are Third-Generation Workers in the Arts...’: The Communicative Functions of Domestic Memoirs of the 1930s]. Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie [The New Literary Observer]. No. 157. P. 128--148.

2018 ‘The Napoleonic Wars: Reading Perpetual Peace in the Russian Empire.’ In: Dina Gusejnova (ed.), Cosmopolitanism and Global Conflict: Imperial Encounters from the Seven Years' War to the Cold War. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

2017 ‘Obshchestvo po bor'be s khanzhestvom: Ob odnoi nezamechennoi tendentsii v literature 1950-kh godov’ [‘The Society for the Struggle Against Boorishness: On an Overlooked Tendency in the 1950s [Soviet] Literature’]. Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie. No. 143. P. 91—109.

2016  ‘Dvukhpartiinaja organizatsiia i dvukhpartiinaia literatura? Politicheskoe voobrazhenie sovetskih pisatelei i stanovlenie pozdnesovetskoi kul'turnoi paradigmy (konets 1956 – nachalo 1957 gg.)’ [“Two-Party Organization and Two-Party Literature? Political Imagery of Soviet Writers and Formation of the Late Soviet Cultural Paradigm (End of 1956 – Beginning of 1957)”]. Ab Imperio. No. 3, 267—309.

2016    ‘Vozvrashheniia bludnykh ottsov: rasskaz A. Platonova v literaturno-publitsisticheskom kontekste 1945—1946 godov’ [‘The Returns of the Prodigal Fathers: Andrei Platonov’s short story Homecoming in literary and media contexts of 1945—1946’]. In: Leo Philologiae. A Collection of Writings in Honor of Lev Sobolev's Jubilee. Ed. by Anastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaia, Artiom Zubov, Maya Kucherskaya, Maria Mayofis, and Konstantin Polivanov. Moscow. P. 214—249.

2016 'Detskaja literatura “ottepeli”: publikacionnye istorii, receptsiia, reputatsii' ['Children’s Literature of the “Thaw”: censorship, reception, and reputations'] (the foreword of the guest editors, in co-authorship with Ilya Kukulin). Detskie Chteniia [Children’s Readings] (St. Petersburg). Vol. 10, no. 2. P. 7—11.

2016   'Povest' M. Bremenera ‘Pust' ne soshlos' s otvetom!’ (1956) i programma obnovlenija pedagogiki i literatury v sovetskom obshhestve nachala ‘ottepeli’” [“Max Bremener’s Novella Let It Not Match the Answer! (1956) and the Program of Education and Literature Renewal at the Beginning of the Thaw”].  Detskie Chteniia [Children’s Readings] (St. Petersburg). Vol. 10, no. 2. P. 53—69.

2016   “Pansiony trudovykh rezervov: formirovanie sistemy shkol-internatov v 1954 — 1964 godakh' ['Boarding Houses of Standby Labor: The Formation of the Boarding School System in 1954—1964']. Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie [The New Literary Observer]. No. 142. P. 292—324.

2016    Ot sostavitelei razdela "Social'noe konstruirovanie tvorcheskikh professii: sovetskaia ideologiia i praktiki" [From the Guest Editors of the Section “Teaching the Creative Professions in the USSR: Ideology and Practice”] (in co-authorship with Ilya Kukulin). Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie [The New Literary Observer]. No. 137, 11—15.

2016   ‘The Thaw and the Idea of National Gemeinschaft: The All-Russian Choral Society.’ Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. Vol. 17, No. 1 (Winter), 27–67.

2015 “‘Individual Approach’ as a Moral Demand and a Literary Device: Frida Vigdorova’s Pedagogical Novels.” Partial Answers. Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas (Johns Hopkins University Press). Vol. 13, No. 1 (January), 19—41. 

2015    “In assistance to Decisions of the High Command”: Birth of the “Thaw”-Period Public (obshchestvennost’) From the Spirit of 1939. Shagi/Steps. Vol. 2, no. 1. P. 44-81.

2015    “Predvestiia “Ottepeli” v sovetskoi shkol’noi politike pozdnestalinskogo vremeni” [“Foretokens of the ‘Thaw’ in Soviet School Policy of the Late Stalinist Period: 1945—1953”]. Ostrova Utopii: Pedagogicheskoe i social’noe proektirovanie poslevoennoi shkoly [Islands of Utopia: Social and Pedagogical Approaches to Modeling Post-WWII School]. Moscow: New Literary Obserever. P. 35—106.  

2014    “Foreign Language for Internal Consumption: Image of ‘the Other’ in the Soviet English Textbooks, 1945–1956” (“Inostranny iazyk dlia ‘vnutrennego upotrebleniia’: obraz Drugogo v uchebnikakh angliiskogo iazyka, 1945–1956 gg.”). Problemy Sovremennogo Obrazovaniia [Problems of Modern Education]. No. 6. P. 176—200.

2012    « Les animaux métaphysiques : projections socioculturelles de l'image du Juif dans le cinéma d'animation soviétique des années 1970—1980 ». In: Kinojudaica: Les représentations des Juifs dans le cinéma de Russie et d’Union soviétique. Ed. par Natacha Laurent et Valérie Pozner. Paris, Nouveau Monde éditions. P. 441—462. 

2012    “Ranniaia recepciia indoevropejskoj teorii v Rossii” [“Early Reception of Indo-European Theory in Russia”]. In: Tam, vnutri. Praktiki vnutrennej kolonizacii v kul'turnoj istorii Rossii [There Inside: Practices of Internal Colonization in Cultural History of Russia]. Ed. by A. Etkind, D. Uffelmann, I. Kukulin. Moscow: New Literary Observer. P. 217—245.

2010    “Ot idei ‘edinoj Evropy’ k idee ‘osobogo puti’: S.S. Uvarov v 1816--1821 godakh” [“From the Concept of ‘United Europe’ to the Concept of ‘Russia’s Separate Way’: Serguei Uvarov in 1816—1821”.] In: Ideologija “osobogo puti” v Rossii i Germanii: istoki, soderzhanie, posledstvija [Ideology of “Separate Way” in Russia and Germany: Its Origin, Content, and Consequenses]. Ed. by Emil Pain. Moscow: Tri kvadrata. P. 49—69.

2010     “Prigov i Derzhavin: poet posle prizhiznennoi kanonizatsii” [“Dmitrii Prigov and Gavriil Derzhavin: Life of a Poet after Aesthetical Canonization”]. In: Nekanonicheskij klassik: Dmitrij Aleksandrovich Prigov (1940—2007) [A Non-Canonical Classic: Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Prigov (1940-2007)]. Ed. by E. Dobrenko, I. Kukulin, M. Lipovetsky, M. Mayofis. Moscow: New Literary Observer. P. 281—304.

2010    “‘American Neurosis’ in Russian Culture” (in co-authorship with I. Kukulin). Russian Studies in Literature. Vol. 46, No. 3. P. 3—6.

2009    “Chemu sposobstvoval pozhar? ‘Antikrizisnaja’ rossijskaja publicistika 1837—1838 godov kak predmet istorii emocii” [“What Did the Fire Foster? Russian ‘Anti-Crisis’ Political Journalism of 1837—1838 as an Object of History of Emotions”]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [The New Literary Observer]. Vol. 100. P. 156—183.

2008    “Mily, mily trikster: Karlson i sovetskaia utopiia o ‘nastoiashchem detstve’” [“Pretty, Pretty Trickster: Astrid Lindgren’s Karlsson-on-the-Roof and the Soviet Utopia of ‘Real Childhood’”]. In: Veselye chelovechki. Kul'turnye geroi sovetskogo detstva [Merry Little Guys: Culture Heroes of the Soviet Childhood]. Ed. by M. Lipovetsky, I. Kukulin, M. Mayofis. Moscow: New Literary Observer. P. 241—275. 

2007    “Svoboda kak neosoznanny precedent. Zametki o transformatsii mediinogo polia v 1990 godu” [“Freedom as an Unconscious Precedent: Notes on Transformation of the Russian Media Field in 1990”] (in co-authorship with I. Kukulin). Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [The New Literary Observer]. Vol. 83. P. 599—655.  

2006     “Transgressivny neoklassitsizm (O stikhotvorenii A.A. Akhmatovoj ‘Vot eto ia tebe, vzamen mogil'nykh roz…’ [1940])” [“Transgressive Neoclassicism: On [Social and Aesthetic Sources of] Anna Akhmatova’s Poem ‘In Memory of Mikhail Bulgakov’ [1940]”] (in co-authorship with I. Kukulin). In: Stikh, iazyk, poeziia. Pamiati M.L. Gasparova [Verses, Language, Poetry. In Memory of Professor Mikhail Gasparov]. Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities Press. P. 373—399.

2003     “‘Ne oslabevaite uprazhnjat'sja v miagkoserdii’: Zametki o politicheskoj sub’ektivnosti v sovremennoj russkoi poezii” [“‘Don’t Stop to Exercise Yourself in Tenderheartedness’: Notes on Political Subjectivity in Contemporary Russian Poetry.”] Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [The New Literary Observer]. Vol. 62. P. 323—339.

2003    “‘Ruka vremion’, ‘Bozhestvenny Platon’ i gomerovskaja rifma v russkoi literature pervoi poloviny XIX veka: Kommentarii k neprochitannoi poeme N.I. Gnedicha [“‘A Hand of Times’, ‘Divine Plato’ and Homeric Rhyme in Russian Literature of the First Half of the 19th Century: Commentaries to Nickolai Gnedich’s Unnoticed Poem”.] Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [The New Literary Observer]. Vol. 60. P. 145—170.

2002    “Literaturnaia kritika Aleksandrovskogo tsarstvovaniia” [ “Literary Criticism during the Reign of Alexander I”] (in co-authorship with A. Kurilkin). In: Kritika pervoi chetverti XIX veka [Russian Literary Criticism of the First Quarter of the 19th Century]. Ed., compiled, with introductions and commentaries by Maria Mayofis and Andrei Kurilkin. Moscow: AST (Series “Biblioteka russkoi kritiki” [“Russian Criticism Library”]). P. 3—22.