
Investing the Amherst College endowment responsibly


The Endowment Sustainability Institute awarded Amherst College a “D” in Endowment Transparency and “Shareholder Engagement.”  With an endowment of over $1.66 billion dollars, Amherst College has economic power to affect positive change by investing in ethically and environmentally sound companies.  According to the College Mission statement, Amherst College aims to help students lead “principled lives of consequence.”  These principles must begin here.  Amherst College owes students, faculty, and staff a voice in the responsible investment of our endowment. 


We support making Amherst College and its community a leader in environmentally and socially responsible endowment management through the following methods:


  • Committees for socially responsible investing, which can include students, faculty, staff, and alumni
  • Proxy voting- the right to vote as a shareholder of a corporation
  • Investment screening (for example, screening against tobacco companies)
  • Transparency of investment holdings, often to the school community
  • Investment in sustainable funds

REC Faculty support letter

Amherst, April 2nd, 2008


Before spring break members of the Green Amherst Project and Amnesty International met with President Marx to discuss ways of making Amherst’s endowment investments more environmentally and ethically sound. President Marx agreed that he would research other endowment policies and meet with us again the first week of May.  He also charged our organizations with increasing student driven activism to prove student interest in this proposal.  We responded by forming the Responsible Endowment Coalition to raise student awareness about the environment and endowment responsibility.

The Endowment Sustainability Institute awarded Amherst College a “D” in endowment transparency and shareholder engagement.  ____comparable colleges received “As”and Williams received a “B.”  Potential models of endowment responsibility include making the endowment entirely transparent or having a forming a committee of Trustees, students, faculty, and staff to help make investment decisions.

Our coalition aims to inform the Amherst community about why endowment responsibility is necessary to make students more socially responsible, uphold the College mission, and positively impact the world, at no expense to the College. Through informative displays, going door-to-door, petitioning, and organizing a “day of silence” and a rally, we hope to mobilize the campus community into demanding Amherst to making more responsible investments.

 So far, we’ve reached out exclusively to students, and currently 12 student groups support our initiative.   Because endowment responsibility impacts the entire College community, we hope to gain the support of not only students, but also faculty, staff, and alumni.

 As a member of the (faculty/staff), we see your support as integral to demonstrating community interest.  We’re asking only that you sign our petition, but if you have more questions or want to get more involved, please contact Romain Cames (




The Responsible Endowment Coalition.

Current coalition members:  Face AIDS, Global Rights Of Women, Youth Action International, the Amherst College Democrats, the Korean Students Association, the Students for Corporate Responsibility, the Black Students Alliance, La Causa, MASSPirg, Amnesty International, Hillel, the Asian Students’ Association, the Amherst Feminist Alliance, the Green Amherst Project and the South Asian Students’ Association.

Publicity Timeline

April 7:  First round of basic fliers, table tents, faculty support letters, and petitions finished

 April 9, 10, or 11: Dormstorming with handouts.

 April 14-18: At least two days of tabling with posters.

 April 21-24: Tabling for community presentation

 April 24: Community presentation on value of this endowment responsibility.

 April 28-30: Tabling for “Day of Silence”

 May 1: “Day of Silence”

 May 2: Rally