This is a past event

What is a mentor? How can they help you? Where can you find them?

Mentors can be an influential part of your personal, professional and academic growth. Join us for Antonio's pizza and a panel discussion with three successful Amherst community members to hear their stories of how mentors have impacted their lives.

Featured panelists:
Angie Tissi, Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion
Jeffers Engelhardt, Associate Professor of Music; Chair of Music
Justin Serpone, Men's Soccer Coach

You will also learn about the Pathways Alumni-Student Mentoring Program in order to start building your own support network through Amherst alumni.

Lunch will be provided and all class years are welcome!

Contact Info

Phillip Pang
(413) 542-2265
Please call the college operator at 413-542-2000 or e-mail if you require contact info