This is a past event
Chapin Hall, Chapel

Evensong is an ancient tradition of Christian worship consisting of music presented in psalms, canticles and hymns along with reading from Scripture and prayers. This is the service as it was presented in Western Christendom at the close of each day with the sounds of Gregorian Chant, the smell of African Frankincense and the sacredness of community coming together in Jesus Christ, giving thanks and asking for the blessing of God's love, healing and wisdom. Members of St. Stephen Orthodox Church of Springfield, including music director Matthonwy Bostock, Ph.D., and Fr. Michael Heningham, will be leading the community service. All are welcome to attend and participate.

Contact Info

Cindy Dumais-Holubowich
(413) 542-8489
Please call the college operator at 413-542-2000 or e-mail if you require contact info