This is a past event
  • Registration Required
  • Open to the Public

The cultures we have been immersed in not only play important roles in establishing our identities, but also impact how we convey information, interpret messages in our interactions, and shape our approaches to dealing with conflict. Unpacking our cultures and their impacts, as well as those of others, can help us better understand instances of miscommunication and conflict, and establish practices that help us become better communicators across differences. This 3-part workshop invites staff & faculty to better understand connections between culture, communication styles, & conflict styles, and learn some approaches to enhancing communication in their personal & professional lives.


In part one and two, participants focus on better understanding their cultures and how they influence communication within and across cultures. In part three, participants explore the connection between culture and conflict, examining the different approaches to conflict. In all three parts, participants will connect their culture and communication/conflict approach to the Amherst community and learn some strategies to help in their personal and professional interactions. Co-facilitated by the Center for Restorative Practices & the Office of Workforce Equity and Inclusive Leadership this session is open to all staff and faculty. 

Contact Info

Fabio Ayala
(413) 800-6956
Please call the college operator at 413-542-2000 or e-mail if you require contact info