Gerald R. Fink '62 Bioscience Symposium 2010


Health Care in an Era of Reform

The second annual Fink Symposium on life sciences and health care took place on Feb. 19-20. The symposium is named in honor of Dr. Gerald R. Fink, ’62 and funded by his classmates. Dr. Fink, a molecular biologist, is the former Director of The Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at MIT, and a member of the medical advisory board of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

The theme of the 2010 symposium was “Health Care in an Era of Reform.” The event commencd with a reception and dinner in Lewis-Sebring Commons on Friday, February 19. The dinner speaker was Dr. John Deutch, ’60. Dr. Deutch, an MIT Institute Professor and former Provost of MIT, held senior positions in the Reagan, Bush and Clinton administrations.

Speakers on Saturday, February 20 included include Dr. Fink; Dr. Edward Hughes, ’62, a noted commentator on health care policy at Northwestern University; and Julia Feldman Esq., ’84, currently on sabbatical from her position in the health care transactions department of the Boston firm of Krokidas & Bluestein, to work on a special project relating to health care payment reform in Massachusetts. Ms. Feldman is the daughter of Dr. Fink. Also Dr. Julia Segre, ’87, Senior Investigator, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH;  and Kipp Weiskopf, ’07, an MD/PhD candidate at Stanford University.

The schedule is posted here. The event was organized by Patricia Allen at 413/542-8094, e-mail

Bioscience Symposium Archive

Hear audio and see photos of the 2010 Symposium, “Health Care in an Era of Reform.”

Hear audio and see photos of the 2009 Symposium, “Careers in Healthcare in the 21st Century: from Bench to Bedside.”