Deceased December 25, 2005

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In Memory

Bob Youmell, a member of the Class of 1964, died peacefully on Christmas morning 2005 after a brief bout with intestinal cancer.

"He came from a long line of people who lived into their nineties," said Suzanne, his wife of thirty-seven years. "The one thing we always counted on was Bob being around. He was the picture of health."

Born and raised in West Springfield, MA, Bob played football and hockey at Amherst and was a member of Beta Theta Pi. After college he went through dental school at the University of Pennsylvania, where he met Suzanne. Bob volunteered as a commissioned officer and served two years in the U.S. Army. He was stationed in San Francisco for a year and then served in Vietnam for a year doing dental work at Long Binh.

When he returned from Vietnam, Bob and Suzanne moved back to West Springfield, where he opened a dental practice. They had six children. "Bob was the quintessential family man," said Suzanne. "He was happy being a father and when the children grew up and became companions he was even happier." They have two grandchildren.

"Bob loved to ski, he loved his work, and he loved his family," she said. "He had a good life."

William Tucker '64