蛍 12-15

Submitted by (inactive) on Tuesday, 3/24/2009, at 7:43 PM

背筋 (せすじ)                the muscles along the spine; dorsal muscles

順序 (じゅんじょ)        order; sequence; procedure

旗 (はた)                        flag

桐 (きり)                        paulownia tree; Paulownia tomentosa

翻る (ひるがえる)        to turn over; to wave; to flutter

仕舞い (しまい)            end; termination

存続 (そんぞく)            duration; continuance

庇護 (ひご)                    patronage; protection

原則 (げんそく)            principle; general rule

枠 (わく)            frame; slide; border

極端 (きょくたん)        extreme; extremity

簡潔 (かんけつ)            brevity; conciseness; simplicity

灰皿 (はいざら)            ashtray

吸殻 (すいがら)            cigarette end (butt); tobacco ashes

散乱 (さんらん)            dispersion; scattering

匂い (におい)                odour; odor; scent; smell; stench

体臭 (たいしゅう)        body odor; body odour; personal odor; personal odour

運河 (うんが)                canal; waterway

同居人 (どうきょにん)person living with the familyRoommate

奇妙 (きみょう)            strange; queer; curious

演劇 (えんげき)            play (theatrical)

芝居 (しばい)                play; drama

戯曲 (ぎきょく)            play; drama

講武 (こうぶ)                military training

要項 (ようこう)            main points; list of requirements

混乱 (こんらん)            disorder; chaos; confusion; mayhem

哲学 (てつがく)            philosophy

東洋史 (とうようみ)    Oriental history





Submitted by Charles C. Hall on Tuesday, 3/24/2009, at 4:11 PM


正論(せいろん)- sound (as in an argument)

格好(かっこう)- form, shape

頬骨(ほおぼね)- cheekbone

丸刈り(まるがり)- close-cut

悲鳴(ひめい)- shriek

起床(きしょう) - getting out of bed

国旗(こっき)- national flag

掲揚(けいよう)- hoisting


石鹸(せっけん)- soap

熟睡(じゅくすい)- sound sleep

跳躍(ちょうやく)- jumping


跳ぶ(とぶ)- to jump

端折る(はしおる)- to tuck under, abridge

抜かす(ぬかす)- to leave out, to say (vulgar)


競走(きょうそう)- race



Submitted by (inactive) on Tuesday, 3/24/2009, at 2:41 AM



不案内 ふあんない = unfamiliar

おまけに= to make matter worse

見晴し みはらし= view

塀 へい= wall, fence

くぐる = to drive, to pass through

けやき= Japanese zelkova

そびえ立つ= to stand towering over the surrounds

根元 こんげん= root, source, origin

迂回 うかい= to detour, turning movement

棟 むね= ridge (of roof)


貴賓室 きひんしつ= VIP room

芝生 しばふ= lawn

裏手 うらて= back of house

兼用 けんよう= multi-use

極める きわめる= to carry to extreme

右翼的な うよくてきな= right-wing

正体不明 しょうたいふめい= unidentifiable

及び および= as well as

根幹 こんかん= root and branch

有為な ゆういな= capable

売名行為 ばいめいこうい= publicity stunt


偽善 ぎぜん= hypocrisy

偽悪 ぎあく= pretense of evil

たいした= considerably

荘厳な そうごんな= solemn

国旗掲揚 こっきけいよう= displaying a nation's flag

目つき= look, expression of the eye

首筋 くびすじ = scruff of neck

陸軍 りくぐん= army

如き ごとき= as if

丸刈り まるがり= close clipping


桐 きり= paulownia tree

折り畳む おりたたむ= to fold into layers

差し出す= to submit


Submitted by (inactive) on Wednesday, 2/25/2009, at 1:51 AM


深刻 しんこく= serious

内閣府 ないかくふ = Cabinet Office

各地 かくち = every place

自治体 じちたい = self-governing body

危機感 ききかん= sense of impending crisis

例年 れいねん = annually

翌年 よくねん= following year

公表する こうひょうする = to officially announce

把握 はあく= grasp, understanding

死因 しいん = cause of death

判明 はんめい = confirming

不振 ふしん = depression, slump

倒産 とうさん= bankruptcy

充実 じゅうじつ= fullness, enrichment



Submitted by (inactive) on Tuesday, 2/24/2009, at 9:12 PM


統計                とうけい                    Statistics

遺族                いぞく                        Bereaved family

聞き取り        ききとり                    Listening Comprehension

対策                たいさく                    Counter-plan

具体的            ぐたいてき                Concrete, tangible

不和                ふわ                            Trouble

失業                しつぎょう                Unemployment

余裕                よゆう                        Surplus, margin, room, allowance, time, flexibility

倒産                とうさん                    Corporate bankruptcy, failed business

実態                じったい                    True state, actual condition, reality

偏見                へんけん                    Prejudice, narrow view

背景                はいけい                    Background, setting, circumstance

予防策            よぼうさく                Precautionary measures

議論                ぎろん                        Argument, discussion, dispute, controversy


百十四銀行 不明朗融資解明へ

Submitted by Charles C. Hall on Tuesday, 2/24/2009, at 1:47 AM


不明朗(ふめいろう)ー unclear

融資(ゆうし)ー financing

暴力団員(ぼうりょくだんいん)ー gangster

不動産(ふどうさん)ー real estate

特別背任(とくべつはいにん)ー special breach of trust

捜索(そうさく)ー investigation

実質的(じっしつてき)ー substantially

決済(けっさい)ー liquidation, settlement 

実態(じったい)ー truth




Submitted by Charles C. Hall on Wednesday, 2/11/2009, at 1:06 AM


つぶれる - to be smashed

繊維(せんい)- textiles

前提(ぜんてい)- premise

横行(おうこう)- walking sideways

耐える(たえる)- endure

限界(げんかい)- limitation

縫製(ほうせい)- sewing

経営者(けいえいしゃ)- manager

坪(つぼ) - tsubo (unit of measurement)

作業員(さぎょういん)- laborer


解雇(かいこ)- dismissal

埃(ほこり)- dust

衣料(いりょう)- clothing

問屋(とんや)- wholesale warehouse

発注(はっちゅう)- ordering

効率化(こうりつか)- optimization

節約(せつやく)- economizing

国産(こくさん)- domestically produced

消費(しょうひ)- consumption

研修(けんしゅう) - training

実習(じっしゅう)- practice

急落(きゅうらく)- sudden fall

かつて - before


犯す(おかす)- transgress, commit

待遇(たいぐう)- treatment

途端(とたん)- just (at the moment)

赤字(あかじ)- red ink

賃金(ちんぎん)- wages

利益(りえき)- profit

決断(けつだん)- termination


悔しい(くやしい)- regrettable

正直(しょうじき)- honesty


生計(せいけい)- livelihood

維持(いじ)- maintenance

募る(つのる)- to become worse

潰れる(つぶれる)- to be smashed

語気(ごき)- tone

末端(まったん)- end, tip

過酷(かこく)- severe

依存(いぞん)- dependency

相互(そうご)- reciprocal

苦境(くきょう)- trouble

直撃(ちょくげき)- direct hit

規模(きぼ)- scale

縮小(しゅくしょう)- reduction


竿(さお)-rod, pole

情け(なさけ)- sympathy

受注する(じちゅうする)- receiving orders

棚(たな)- shelf



脳出血(のしゅっけつ)- brain hemorrhage 

余儀(よぎ)-another method

配達(はいたつ)- delivery

後遺症(こういしょう)-prognostic symptom, after effect

高齢者福祉施設(こうれいしゃくししせつ)- nursing home for the elderly 



ワーキングプア p。133-139

Submitted by (inactive) on Wednesday, 2/11/2009, at 12:44 AM

破壊 (はかい) destruction; disruption

問屋 (といや) wholesale store

下請け (したうけ) subcontract

廃業 (はいぎょう) cessation of business; discontinuation of business

激減 (げきげん) dropping sharply; decreasing rapidly

支払う (しはらう) to pay

縫い上げる (ぬいあげる) to finish sewing

店頭 (てんとう) shop front; counter; shop; over-the-counter (financial)

状態 (じょうたい) current status; condition; situation; circumstances; state

蒸し暑い (むしあつい) humid; sultry

丁寧 (ていねい) polite; courteous; careful; care; kind; close; thorough

返上 (へんじょう) give up; relinquish; serve up; let loose

余程 (よほど) very; greatly; much; to a large extent; quite

生き残る (いきのこる) to survive

仕入れる (しいれる) to lay in stock; to replenish stock; to procure

浮かぶ (うかぶ) to float; to be suspended; to come to mind

窮状 (きゅうじょう) distress; wretched condition

察す (さっす)  to guess; to sympathize with

助産師 (じょさんし) midwife

資格 (しかく) qualifications; requirements; capabilities

甲斐性 (かいしょう) resourcefulness; ability

重ねる (かさねる) to pile up; to put something on another; to heap up; to add

激変 (げきへん) sudden change; upheaval

遺影 (いえい) portrait of deceased person

伏目 (ふしめ) downcast look

最盛期 (さいせいき) golden age; best time for

縫製 (ほうせい) sewing

受注 (じゅちゅう) accepting orders

扱う (あつかう) to handle; to deal with; to treat

輸送 (ゆそう) transport; transportation

計算 (けいさん) calculation; reckoning; count;

港 (みなと) harbour; harbor; port

一時的 (いちじてき) temporary

保管 (ほかん) charge; custody; safekeeping; deposit; storage

倉庫 (そうこ) storehouse; warehouse

経費 (けいひ) expenses; cost; outlay

裸一貫 (はだかいっかん) without any means; reduced to naked personal merit

中堅 (ちゅうけん) main body (of troops); center field; centre field; center fielder

業者 (ぎょうしゃ) trader; merchant

職人気質 (しょくにんきしつ) spirit of a true artisan; (a craftsman's) pride in one's work

施す (ほどこす) to donate; to give; to conduct; to apply

化粧 (けわい)    make-up; cosmetics

襟 (えり) neck; collar; lapel; neckband

袖口 (そでぐち) cuff; armhole

取り引き (とりひき) transactions; dealings; business

引き下げ (ひきさげ) reduction; cut

赤字 (あかじ) deficit

打ち切る (うちきる) to stop; to abort; to discontinue; to close

経営者 (けいえいしゃ) manager; proprietor

抵当 (ていとう) mortgage; security; hypothec

利益 (りえき) profit

業績 (ぎょうせき) achievement; performance; results

悪化 (あっか) deterioration; growing worse

抵抗 (ていこう) electrical resistance; resistance; opposition

融資 (ゆうし)financing; loan

継続 (けいぞく) continuation

土下座 (どげざ) kneeling down on the ground

踏み切る (ふみきる) to make a bold start; to take a plunge

規模 (きぼ) scale; scope; plan; structure

縮小 (しゅくしょう) reduction; curtailment

取引先 (とりひきさき) customer; client

事欠く (ことかく) to lack



Submitted by (inactive) on Sunday, 2/8/2009, at 3:55 PM


岐阜 ぎふ = Gifu (in Chuubu Area)

廃業 はいぎょう= discontinuation of business

決意する けついする= to make decision

自ら みずから=  to one's self, personally

絶つ たつ= to cut off, to suppress

耐える たえる= to endure

押し寄せる おしよせる= to advance on, to overwhelm

習得 しゅうとく= learning, acquisition


貢献 こうけん= contribution

整備する せいびする=to maintain, service

残業 ざんぎょう= overtime

定める さだめる= to decide

労働基準法 ろうどうきじゅんほう= Labor Standard Act

下回る したまわる= to be lower than

わずかな= only, merely

逸れ はやれ= to be in high spirit

はつる= to cut down little by little

根本的な こんぽんてきな= fundamental

際立つ きわだつ= to be prominent

財団法人 ざいいだんほうじん= juridical foundation

協力機構 きょうりょくきこう= cooperation organization

おおよそ = about, roughly

急激 きゅうげき=sudden

繊維 せんい= fiber, textile

およそ= approximately

弱 じゃく= little less than


ただでさえ= in addition to

際限 さいげん=limit

具合 ぐあい=condition

犠牲 ぎせい=sacrifice

利益 りえき= profit, gains

押し付ける おしつける= to force, to press

下請け したうけ=subcontract

追い込む おいこむ= to corner

訪ねる たずれる= to visit

きっかけ= chance

既に すでに= already, too late

募集 ぼしゅう= recruiting

手配 てはい= arrangement

組合 くみあい= association


マトモに =fair and square

問屋 とんや=  wholesale store

かつて = formerly

筆頭 ひっとう= brush tip; first on list

赤字 あかじ= deficit

決断 けつだん= determination

かなり = considerably

裁断 さいだん= judgment


故郷 こきょう= hometown

手当て てあて= allowance, compensation

違法 いほう= illegal

当たり あたり= per/ vicinity

前提 ぜんてい= premise, condition

漏らす もらす= to let leak, to reveal

必死 ひっし= desperate, frantically

極める きわめる=to carry to extreme

根菜 こんさい= root crops

詰める つめる= to pack, to fill

粉末 ふんまつ= fine powder


片言 かたこと= smattering talk like a baby

葛藤する かっとうする= conflict, complication, trouble

瀬戸際 せときわ= brink, critical moment

納得する なっとくする= to consent, to understand

売り上げ うりあげ= proceeds

渡航費用 とこうひよう= voyage expenses

積み立て つみたて= savings


取り崩す とりくずす= to demolish, to take away with nothing remains

零細業 れいさいぎょう= small business

成り立つ なりたつ= consist of

負 ふ = negative



Submitted by (inactive) on Friday, 2/6/2009, at 9:47 AM


増殖 ぞうしょく= increase

日雇い ひやとい= daily employment

非正規 ひせいき= not official/ temporary worker

急増 きゅうぞう= surge, proliferation

以降 いこう= since, thereafter

相次ぎ あいつぎ= to follow in succession


林立する りんりつする= to stand close together

手がける = to make, to produce

占める しめる= to comprise

仕組み しくみ= arrangement, structure

設営 せつえい= construction

配送 はいそう= delivery

仕分ける しわける= to assort, classify

金額 きんがく= amount of money

公共料金 こうきょうりょうきん=public utility charge

支払い しはらい= payment

滞る とどこおる= to be delayed

簡易宿泊所 かんいしゅくはくじょ= simple lodging

捉える とらえる= to capture


断念 だんねん= giving up

摑まる つかまる= to be caught

少なからぬ すくなからぬ = not a little

頓挫する とんざする= set back

無配 むはい= without dividend

底をつく そこをつく= to run out of

当座 とうざ= for the time being

生計 せいけい= livelihood

稼ぐ かぜぐ= to earn income

仮 かり= temporary, interim

一向に いっこうに= not at all

しつつ= to be in the process of doing

手つき = way of doing something

気配り きくばり= care, consideration

就く つく= to take, to assume

清掃 せいそう= cleaning

歩合制 ぶあいせい= commission system

あがく = to struggle

顔見知り かおみしり= acquaintance


上京する じょうきょうする= to go to Tokyo

あぶれる =fail in getting a job

炊き出し たきだし= emergency

残高 ざんだか= balance, remainder

印鑑 いんかん= stamp, seal

しわ = wrinkle

とりわけ= especially, above all

扱う あつかう= to deal with

真っ先 まっさき= the foremost, beginning

交わす かわす= to exchange



Submitted by (inactive) on Friday, 2/6/2009, at 4:32 AM

豪雪 (ごうせつ) tremendous snowfall 

襲う (おそう)   to attack; to assail; to make an assault; to strike; to hunt down

周辺 (しゅうへん)circumference; outskirts; environs; around; in the area of; in the vicinity of

具合 (ぐあい)condition; state; manner; health

頼る (たよる)to rely on; to have recourse to; to depend on

厚生労働省 (こうせいどうしょう)Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

宿泊施設 (しゅくはくしせつ)accommodation(s)  facility

収容 (しゅうよう)accommodation; reception; housing

減少 (げんしょう)decrease; reduction; decline

河川敷 (かせんしき)(dry) riverbed

定住 (ていじゅう) settlement

渡り歩く (わらりあるく) to wander from place to place; to change jobs

路上生活 (ろじょうせいかつ) living on the street; life on the streets; homelessness

把握 (はあく) grasp; catch; understanding

裏腹 (うらはら)opposite; reverse; contrary

風情 (ふぜい)appearance; air; taste; elegance; entertainment

小奇麗 (こぎれい)neat; trim; tidy; pretty

格好 (かっこう)shape; form; posture; appearance; manner

建設 (けんせつ) construction; establishment

潰れる (つぶれる)to go bankrupt

追い出す (おいだす)to expel; to drive out

日雇い (ひやとい) daily employment; hiring by the day; day laborer; day labourer

野宿 (のじゅく)camping

堪える (こたえる)to bear; to stand; to endure; to put up with

段階 (だんかい)gradation; grade; stage; steps; order; class; phase

簡易 (がんい)simplicity; convenience; easiness; quasi-

増殖 (ぞうしょく)increase; multiplication; propagation

休息 (きゅうそく)rest; relief; relaxation

逃す (のがす)to let loose; to set free; to let escape

引き払う (ひきはらう)to vacate

雑居 (ざっきょ)sharing living quarters

個室 (こしつ)private room

設備 (せつび)equipment; device; facilities; installation

定位置 (ていいち)home position; origin

区別 (くべつ)distinction; differentiation; classification

確保 (かくほ)guarantee; maintain; ensure; insure; secure; reservation

姿勢 (しせい)attitude; posture

煌々 (こうこう)brilliant; dazzling; light; bright

派遣社員 (はけんしゃいん)temporary worker

家賃 (やちん)rent

放題 (ほうだい)as much as you would like to

余計 (よけい)too much; unnecessary; abundance; surplus; excess; superfluity

悪循環 (あくじゅんかん) vicious circle

仮の宿り (かりのやどり)temporary dwelling; this transient world

疲れ切る (つかれきる)to be exhausted; to be tired out



Submitted by Charles C. Hall on Friday, 2/6/2009, at 3:07 AM


果てに(はてに)- at the limits 

実務(じつむ)- practical work

契約(けいやく)- contract

警備(けいび)- security

誘導(ゆうどう)- guidance 

削減(さくげん)- closure, reduction

請け負う(うけおう)- to contract

採用(さいよう)- use, adoption

調整(ちょうせい)- regulation

繰り替え(くりかえ)- conversion


わずか - merely

都合(つごう)- circumstances

勤務地(きんむち)- place of assignment

余裕(よゆう)- surplus

焦り(あせり)- impatience 

抜け出す(ぬけだす)- to slip away


対象(たいしょう)- target, object

所持金(しょじきん)- money in one's possession

果たして(かたして)- expected

日銭(ひぜに)- daily income

稼ぐ(かせぐ)- to earn (money)

炊き出し(たきだし)- emergency rice

頼る(たよる)- to rely on

剃る(そる)- to shave


建設(けんせつ)- construction


離れる(はなれる)- be separated from

就ける(つける)-assume (a position)

望み(のぞみ)- desire, dream

放心(ほうしん)- absentmindedness

回復(かいふく)- recovery


高層ビル(こうそうビル)- skyscraper

負担(ふたん)- burden

瀬(せ)- chance

押し迫る(おしせまる)- to slip away 

摑む(つかむ)- to catch



Submitted by (inactive) on Wednesday, 2/4/2009, at 10:27 AM

貧困 (ひんこん)                        poverty

放る (ほうる)                            to let go, to abandon, to leave undone

事態 (じたい)                            situation; (present) state of affairs; circumstances

陥る (おちいる)                        to fall; to trap; to cave in; to collapse

湧き上がる (わきあがる)        to boil upto arise

取材 (しゅざい)                        collecting data (e.g. for a newspaper article)

現場 (げんば)                            actual spot; scene; scene of the crime

雇用 (こよう)                            employment (long term); hire

討論 (とうろん)                        debate; discussion

番組    (ばんぐみ)                        program (e.g. TV)

岩手県 (いわてけん)                Iwate prefecture (Touhoku area)

訪れる (おとずれる)                to visit

就く (つく)                                to take (seat, position, course, etc.); to start (on a journey)

対策 (たいさく)                        counter-plan; counter-measure

議論 (ぎろん)                            argument; discussion; dispute; controversy

倍率 (ばいりつ)                        magnification; leverage; amplification; scaling factor

真っ盛り (まっさかり)            height of; middle of; full bloom

踏み出す (ふみだす)                to step forward; to advance

延長 (えんちょう)                    extension; elongation; prolongation; lengthening

衝撃 (しょうげき)                    shock; crash; impact; ballistic

怠惰 (たいだ)                            laziness; idleness

低迷 (ていめい)                        hovering around (price level); sluggish (e.g. economy)

贅沢 (ぜいたく)                        luxury; extravagance

労働 (ろうどう)                        manual labor; manual labour; toil; work

環境 (かんきょう)                    environment; circumstance

正社員 (せいしゃいん)            regular (full-time) employee

雇う (やとう)                            to employ; to hire

働き口 (はたらきぐち)            position; situation; employment; opening

自衛隊 (じえいたい)                self-defence force; self-defense force

                                                            Japan Self-Defence Force; JSDF

合格 (ごうかく)                        success; passing (e.g. exam); eligibility

募集 (ぼしゅう)                        recruiting; taking applications

待遇 (たいぐう)                        treatment; reception

取り組む (とりくむ)                to tackle; to make effort; to strive for; to deal with

礼儀正しい (れいぎただしい)(adj) polite (person)

支える (ささえる)                    to support; to prop; to sustain

状況 (じょうきょう)                state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances

暗澹 (あんたん)                        dark; gloomy; somber; depressing

渦巻 (うずまき)                        whirlpool; eddy; coil

見過ごす (みすごす)                to let go by; to let pass; to overlook; to miss

自責 (じせき)                            self-condemnation; self-reproach

後悔 (こうかい)                        regret; repentance

踏み入れる (ふみいれる)        to walk in on; to tread upon

予想 (よそう)                            expectation; anticipation; prediction; forecast

倒産 (とうさん)                        bankruptcy; insolvency; commercial failure

解雇 (かいこ)                            discharge; dismissal

再就職 (さいしゅうしょく)    reemployment

転々 (てんてん)                        moving from place to place

収入 (しゅうにゅう)                income; receipts; revenue

縮小 (しゅくしょう)                reduction; curtailment

時給 (じきゅう)                        hourly pay; hourly wage

加工 (かこう)                            manufacturing; processing; treatment; machining

過酷 (かこく)                            rigour; rigor; severity; cruelty; harsh

自虐的 (じぎゃくてき)            self-torturing

降格 (こうかく)                        demotion

満たす (みたす)                        to satisfy; to ingratiate; to fulfill

吐露 (とろ)                                express one's mind; speak out

周囲 (しゅうい)                        surroundings; environs

迷惑 (めいわく)                        trouble; bother; annoyance

追い詰める (おいつめる)        to corner; to run down; to track down; to chase after

共通 (きょうつう)                    commonness; community

悲痛 (ひつう)                            bitterness; pathos

地域社会 (しいきしゃかい)    regional community

疲弊 (ひへい)                            exhaustion; impoverishment; ruin





Submitted by Charles C. Hall on Wednesday, 2/4/2009, at 2:20 AM


岐路(きろ)- crossroads

通じる(つうじる)- to lead to

解説(かいせつ)- explanation, commentary

放送(ほうそう)- broadcasting

教授(きょうじゅ)- professor

繰り返す(くりかえす)- repeat


響く(ひびく)- echo, reverberate

飢える(うえる)- to starve

保護(ほご)- protection, care

報う(むくう)- to reward

泥流(でいりゅう)- mudflow

川底(かわぞこ)- riverbed

滞留(たいりゅう)- stagnation

深刻(しんこく)- serious

水準(すいじゅん)- level, water level

大量(たいりょう)- large quantity

身近(みじか)- near oneself

取材(しゅざい)- choice of subject

構造的(こうぞうてき)- structural

遂げる(とげる)- accomplish

営み(いとなみ)- work, life

発信(はっしん)- dispatch

格差(かくさ)- qualitative difference

改革(かいかく)- reform

解消(かいしょう)- cancellation

対策(たいさく)- countermeasure 

連鎖(れんさ)- chain

急速(きゅうそく)- rapid

秩序(ちつじょ)- order, regularity

憲法(けんぽう)- constitution


生孫権(せいそんけん)- right to life

担保(たんぽ)- security

支給(しきゅう)- provision

届く(とどく)- arrive

額(ひたい)- forehead

好景気(こうけいき)- favorable condition

沸く(わく)- boil



Submitted by (inactive) on Wednesday, 2/4/2009, at 2:11 AM


誠実 せいじつ= sincere, honest

雇用 こよう= hire, employment

放映 ほうえい= televising

きっかけ= chance, excuse, motive, occasion

世間 せけん= world, society

貧困 ひんこん= poverty

高知県 こうちけん=  in Shikoku

患う わずらう= to fall ill

家計 かけい= family finance

しっかり者 = person of stability

初任給 しょにんきゅう = initial salary

破格 はかく= extraordinary, special

待遇 たいぐう = treatment

一軒家 いっけんや = single house

覚悟 かくご = readiness, preparedness


思いもよらない= unexpected, unforeseen

辞令 じれい dismissal

人件費 じんけんひ= labor cost

相次いで あいつぃで= one after the other

進出する しんしゅつする= to advance, step forward

大黒柱 だいこくばしら = central pillar

リストラ = restructure downsizing

ふりかかる= to fall onto, to happen

請負 うけおい= contract for work

見込む みこむ = to anticipate, to estimate

地元 じもと = hometown

選択肢 せんたくしchoice, alternatives

一日おきに  every other day

通い詰める かよいつめる = to visit frequently

ハローワーク = a Japanese government employment agency


求人 きゅうじん = offer of job

端末機 たんまつき = terminal (unit)

つぶやく = to murmur

心境 しんきょう = mental state

しがみつく to cling

こだわる = to be particular about

堰を切ったよう せきをきったよう bursting out, gushing forth

小柄 こがら= short

にじませる = to run, to spread

悲鳴 ひめい = shriek, scream


発作 ほっさ = fit, spasm

最期 さいご = one's last moment

肉親 にくしん= blood relative