Former Amherst Faculty Member Sonia Sanchez Wins Lifetime Achievement Award

Submitted on Thursday, 11/4/2021, at 2:48 PM

As part of an homage to the poet, educator and activist, who has won the 2021 Dorothy & Lillian Gish Prize, an article in The Miami Times cites Sanchez’s 2018 return to the Amherst campus, when she delivered the keynote address at the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Legacy Symposium.

Written by Emily Cardenas, who vividly recalls being Sanchez’s student at Temple University in the 1980s, the Times tribute traces Sanchez’s life, career and influence, and quotes her response to winning the $250,000 lifetime achievement award.

The article also extensively quotes Roberta Diehl’s account of Sanchez’s 2018 speech in Johnson Chapel, as well as the speech itself, and includes a photo of the event taken by Takudzwa Tapfuma ’17. Sanchez was invited back to the Amherst campus for the MLK symposium after having taught at the College and chaired the Black studies department in the 1970s.

Actor Jeffrey Wright ’87 Honored with Legend and Groundbreaker Award

Submitted on Thursday, 11/4/2021, at 2:46 PM

Wright received the award from Variety at this year’s Newport Beach Film Festival. A Variety article traces his career, and an IndieWire article delves more deeply into his performance in the new Wes Anderson film The French Dispatch.

The Variety article, by Carol Horst, describes how Wright majored in political science at Amherst and was always an avid theatergoer, but didn’t do any performing until he took an acting class junior year. He recalls that “at the end of the first day, I knew that’s what I was going to be doing. It was a long coming time, but then a sudden shift.” Horst writes, “At Amherst, it was Kevin Frazier, who had adapted Wallace Terry’s oral history of Black Vietnam vets, Bloods, and gave Wright a monologue in the play.”

Wright is best known for roles in plays such as Topdog/Underdog and Angels in America; films including Basquiat and the James Bond franchise; and the TV series Westworld. In The French Dispatch, he plays Roebuck Wright, a character based on James Baldwin.

Professor Jallicia Jolly: “No One’s Telling the Stories of HIV-Positive Black Women. In the Pandemic, They Need More Support.”

Submitted on Monday, 10/11/2021, at 5:41 PM

“Black women who are living with HIV/AIDS and navigating the [COVID-19] pandemic shoulder multiple burdens,” writes Jolly in an article for The Lily: “psychosocial strains, the stress of isolation, stigma and the trauma of overlapping inequalities of food insecurity, financial hardships, unemployment and inadequate access to quality care.”

Jolly is a postdoctoral fellow and visiting assistant professor of American studies and of Black studies at Amherst, as well as a writer and a doula. Her article draws from the eight years she has spent interviewing women with HIV, particularly Black women, who were reported in 2019 to be “14.5 times as likely to die from HIV infection as White women,” she notes.

The article focuses especially on Black immigrant women—many of whom work in health care and service jobs that increase their risk of COVID exposure—and on the ways in which “immigration status is a factor that magnifies the obstacles faced by HIV-positive women.”

“My interviews with HIV-positive women,” Jolly writes, “serve as potent reminders that to advocate for them, we must prioritize holistic, culturally sensitive approaches that appropriately address their unique needs.”

Nicole Sin Quee ’93 Featured on Cover of "Triathlete" Magazine

Submitted on Tuesday, 9/28/2021, at 5:01 PM

“Nicole Sin Quee is a mom, a teacher, a champion, a bad***, and the winner of the 2021 Reader Cover Contest,” says a feature article from Sept. 7. The Jamaican-born world-championship athlete’s “ability to overcome and set an example for others is why she won.”

The feature, written by Carrie Barrett and illustrated with several photos by Danny Weiss of Sin Quee and her young son, focuses largely on the athlete’s family and young life. She experienced many hurtful slights that made her feel like an outsider, including when a high school classmate questioned whether she truly deserved to be admitted to Amherst. “I was the girl with the weird Jamaican accent and then I’d tell people I was also Chinese and they just wouldn’t get it,” she is quoted as saying.

“Today, she wants other kids—kids who felt like she did—to believe they belong and that they deserve to be here too,” Barrett writes. “Understanding from personal experience that kids of color are not well-represented in the sport, Nicole [has co-founded] triathlon camps for middle- and high-schoolers to help grow minority participation.” Sin Quee also works as a math teacher in the Bronx. 

Gus and Hugh Quattlebaum ’00 Take Divergent Baseball Journeys, Cross Paths at Fenway

Submitted on Tuesday, 9/28/2021, at 3:59 PM

An article in The Daily News of Newburyport, Mass., focuses on Hugh Quattlebaum ’00, hitting coach for the New York Mets, and his brother Gus, vice president of scouting development and integration for the Boston Red Sox. The brothers’ teams recently faced off at Boston’s Fenway Park.

The article describes the Quattlebaum brothers’ upbringing as the children of faculty members at Phillips Andover, their competitiveness as young athletes and their respective academic and professional paths. Hugh “was a standout baseball and basketball player at Amherst College and was drafted by the Detroit Tigers in the 25th round of the 2000 MLB Draft,” writes Mac Cerullo. “He spent four seasons in the Tigers and Orioles systems before hanging up his spikes and settling in as a private hitting coach, and it wasn’t until 2018 that he got back into professional ball as a Seattle Mariners assistant. Now he’s serving as the New York Mets hitting coach, a role that unexpectedly fell into his lap this spring after the incumbent coach was fired a month into the season.”

Included is a photo of Gus, Hugh and Hugh’s two young sons together at Fenway.

This Place in History: U.S. President Calvin Coolidge (Class of 1895) Historic Site

Submitted on Friday, 9/24/2021, at 3:39 PM

A local news segment takes viewers on a tour of the President Calvin Coolidge Historic Site in Coolidge’s birthplace and childhood hometown of Plymouth Notch, Vt., highlighting an exhibit called More Than Two Words

Regional Site Administrator Bill Jenney tells the story behind the exhibit’s title: “Vice President Coolidge often had to go to dinner parties as part of his obligations. He apparently was seated next to a woman who told him that she had a bet with someone that she could get him to say more than two words during the dinner. And his response to her was ‘You lose.’” He adds, “We hope though, however, after people go through this exhibit they realize that Coolidge had a lot to say on many different subjects.”

More Than Two Words features such artifacts as Coolidge family photographs, an ornately carved chair given to the president by the people of Hungary, and a humidor from the people of Cuba. There is also a ballot box from Northampton, Mass., where Coolidge studied law and served as mayor.

Kent Johnson ’91 Carries on Family Tradition at “Highlights” Magazine

Submitted on Friday, 9/24/2021, at 3:04 PM

An article in Schenectady, N.Y.’s Daily Gazette focuses on Johnson, current CEO of the children’s magazine company, which his great-grandparents founded in 1946.

The article, written by Indiana Nash, describes Johnson’s upbringing in Schenectady (where his mother was mayor), as well as his education at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., at Amherst College and at Harvard University. He holds both a bachelor’s degree and a Ph.D. in physics. “So I ended up going to a bio-tech, medical diagnostics company outside of Washington D.C. and spent about six years there before joining Highlights,” he says.

But Johnson also had a summer internship at the magazine company while a college student in 1989—a job in which “I spent about half my time reading letters from kids and seeing how we responded.” He summarizes the company’s mission today: “We help children become their best selves by publishing content and creating experiences that engage, delight and foster joyful learning.”

“The Wild Party,” by Joseph Moncure March, Class of 1920: A Cautionary Tale for the New Roaring ’20s

Submitted on Tuesday, 9/7/2021, at 2:54 PM

“What does ‘The Wild Party,’ an obscure but chillingly prescient book-length poem from the twilight of the Jazz Age, tell us about our own era?” asks an extensive feature in The New York Times Style Magazine. March published the poem in 1928, after studying under Robert Frost at Amherst.

The article, written by Mark Harris and illustrated with contemporary fashion photos by Shikeith with styling by Alex Harrington, contextualizes and quotes March’s poem, which in turn tells a story “about the end of an era — the end of a long, louche, bacchanalian night of bodies twining together in lust and in violence; and the end of a life.” The poem (also available on the webpage as an audio recording) is credited with being prescient about the 1929 stock market crash, the 1990s AIDS crisis and the current desire of many to break free from COVID pandemic isolation, “to lose ourselves in a throng of sympathetic strangers.”

Harris also describes March’s appearance and personality, his writing style, his life in New York City, and his career as a writer and filmmaker. March lived until 1977.

Craving “a World Without Men,” Author Lauren Groff ’01 Found One in 12th-Century England

Submitted on Tuesday, 9/7/2021, at 2:16 PM

Jenna Ross of Minnesota’s Star Tribune writes about Groff and her new novel Matrix, which explores the lives of nuns—including “the real-life poet/nun/enigma Marie de France”—in a medieval English convent.

The article, based largely on a Zoom interview with the two-time National Book Award finalist from her home in Gainesville, Fla., touches upon the changing reputation of historical fiction within the literary world, Groff’s views on religion and contemporary political issues, and the fiction course she took at Amherst that set her on her vocational path. In addition, it mentions Groff’s previous publications, such as the bestselling novel Fates and Furies and “L. DeBard and Aliette,” “a 2006 short story set amid the flu pandemic of 1918.”

Also quoted in the article is Katie Bugyis, a Notre Dame professor whose lecture about the work of medieval nuns as scribes and illuminators inspired Groff to begin writing Matrix

Jennifer Acker ’00: “Working From Home Helps Keep My Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Under Control”

Submitted on Friday, 9/3/2021, at 4:24 PM

“The virtual space that has become a symbol of the distance between us has also been my shield,” writes Acker in an essay on Yahoo!Life. “That’s because so many of the workarounds that mark me as disabled have become normalized at a time when ‘Zoom fatigue’ is ubiquitous.”

Acker, author of the novel The Limits of the World and founder and editor-in-chief of Amherst College’s literary magazine The Common, has myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome. In her essay, she contrasts the accessibility of working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic (“able to nap when I’m tired and lay down on the floor when my neck and back spasm”) with the complexity and strain of in-person public events (“engineering meetings so that others came to me ... skipping any activity that was not a high priority … need[ing] to carefully plan ahead” to ensure accommodations).

“Ultimately, I want the vaccine to make the world healthy and safe,” Acker says. “But when life in the slow lane comes to an end … [p]eople like me will again be disabled in the eyes of the world, unable to hide behind our screens.”

Director of Religious and Spiritual Life Harrison Blum Comments on Buddhism Among Gen Z

Submitted on Monday, 8/23/2021, at 4:53 PM

Blum is one of two college religious advisers interviewed on Facebook Live and quoted in an article on the website Lion’s Roar about how today’s teenagers and young adults are exploring Buddhist traditions and teachings.

“For me, Buddhism was tremendously appealing in that a belief in God was not a gatekeeper to participation,” Blum says, looking back on his own spiritual journey through college. “I see that same trend in students.” Of his work today, he notes, “I remind young people that the Buddhism they are interested in is not the only one, [and that] what we do with Buddhism today will impact what it means to be Buddhist in the United States in the future.”

The interview also includes remarks from the Rev. Sumi Kim, coordinator of Buddhist life at Yale, and is conducted by Josh Packard, executive director of the Springtide Research Institute. The article, by Kevin Singer, draws from the interview and cites statistics from Springtide’s 2020 survey The State of Religion and Young People.

Basileus Zeno: Trump May Be Gone, but the U.S. Asylum System Is Still Broken

Submitted on Friday, 8/13/2021, at 12:00 PM

In an op-ed for The Washington Post, Zeno, a Karl Loewenstein Fellow and visiting lecturer in political science at Amherst, writes about the enduring problems in the U.S. asylum system, as exemplified by his own experience being rejected for asylum after fleeing from Syria.

Zeno and his wife, Katty, both pro-democracy activists, “landed in the United States in mid-2012, just before the Syrian government launched a vicious crackdown.” They applied for asylum, earned Ph.D.s and had a child while waiting eight years for a decision from the U.S. government. “The rejection notice was Kafkaesque, riddled with contradictions and outright falsehoods,” he writes. “The Biden administration has taken some steps to reverse Trump-era policies so far .... But if a straightforward case like mine is still slipping through the cracks, it is clear those changes have only scratched the surface.”

Zeno calls for the administration to “take steps to reduce the vast discrepancies in outcomes between adjudicators” and to “increase accountability and access to recourse within the system.” Though “any such changes might come too late for Katty and me,” he writes, “we are hopeful that sharing our story may inspire policymakers to address the failings of the U.S. immigration system .... People seeking refuge in this country deserve better.”

How Writer-in-Residence Min Jin Lee Is Taking a Stand Against Racism

Submitted on Tuesday, 8/10/2021, at 2:18 PM

“As a parent and college professor, I am deeply concerned about how we adults respond to the rise of Asian hate,” says Lee in a recent article in Tatler Asia. The piece describes Lee’s family history of immigration to the United States from Korea, the racism she finds in the publishing world and her efforts to combat anti-Asian attitudes through writing and media appearances.

“It has always been challenging to write and publish about Asians in the English language,” says Lee, who was a National Book Award finalist for her 2017 novel Pachinko. “Anglophone Asians have struggled to represent ourselves and our respective communities of origin with accuracy.” She shares her thoughts on the “root causes of Asian hate,” internalized Asian stereotyping and the need for anti-racist educational reforms.

Reporter Zabrina Lo—who interviewed Lee as part of a Tatler cover story on Asian Americans’ struggles against racist violence—notes that “Lee has been even more active in the last year in drawing attention to Asian hate, appearing on shows such as Jada Pinkett Smith’s Red Table Talk and MSNBC’s The Last Word, as well as publishing works in publications like The New York Times and across her own social media.”

Geoffrey Cantor ’84 Is One of TV’s Busiest Character Actors

Submitted on Monday, 8/9/2021, at 12:15 PM

“Prolific actor and acting coach Geoffrey Cantor has captivated audiences of both the stage and screen,” begins an entry in Collider’s recent list of seven character actors whom TV viewers are sure to recognize. 

The entry notes that Cantor studied at Amherst College and the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center. It lists some of his theater credits, “including Side Man on Broadway, Death of a Salesman with Judd Hirsch, and Tony winning director Julie Taymor’s Titus Andronicus.” Cantor’s television projects include The Sopranos, The Americans and Damages, to name just a few. “You can spot Cantor in numerous films as well, such as the Cohen [sic] brothers’ Hail, Caesar!, Public Enemies, Man on a Ledge, The Wizard of Lies, and American Pickle.”

The Collider list, compiled by Emily Bernard, also features character actors John Carroll Lynch, Lennon Parham, Michael K. Williams, Bill Camp, Hong Chau and Stephen Root.

Ralph Johnson Makes the Grade at Amherst College

Submitted on Tuesday, 8/3/2021, at 2:25 PM

Johnson, the College’s first director of procurement and shared services, is featured in Profile magazine. He and his team “see measurable results in terms of how we are improving things for the college,” he says. “I do it because I love it.” 

The article, by Don Liebenson, focuses mainly on Johnson’s work at Amherst. “I make sure from a customer service perspective that business transactions operate seamlessly and ensure that employees and business partners are paid on time,” Johnson says. It describes his role in the implementation of the Workday ERP system and a travel portal for College staff, as well as aspects of the College’s culture that he appreciates, such as “the diversity of the student base” and his colleagues’ willingness to listen and collaborate.

The article also delves into the influence of Johnson’s parents, who were schoolteachers; his education in electrical engineering at Howard University; and his years as the inaugural procurement officer at Morehouse College.