The Admission Office has scheduled three specially arranged Deans’ Days to give the sons and daughters of Amherst alumni and their parents the opportunity to learn more about Amherst and its admission policies. Deans’ Days include group conversations for Amherst families with secondary school students who will be seniors in 2007-08. In addition, there will be a tour of the campus, and a light lunch will be served. This year, Deans’ Days have been scheduled for Friday, June 1; Friday, July 13; and Friday, Aug. 24. Pre-registration is required.

If you are not able to attend one of these Deans’ Days, you may arrange for a conversation with a dean, which would entail time with a senior member of the admission staff to discuss Amherst and its admission policies. This also would allow the staff member to learn a bit about the student’s interests and aspirations, all with an eye toward being as helpful as possible to the student who is going through the college admission process. For the Admission Office to provide helpful and specific advice, the student should be able to provide junior test scores and grades, and a list of his or her senior academic courses. For these reasons, the ideal time to meet with a dean would be after May 15 and before Labor Day.

To register for one of the three Deans’ Days or to schedule a conversation with an admission dean, call Flora Chamlin at (413) 542-2328.