Summer 2019 Robot Challenge -Closed for 2019

We are very excited to announce that applications are now open (3/28/2019) for applying for our Summer Robot Design Challenge Team, otherwise known as the Mammoth Makers. If you would like to spend your summer learning how to design and build working robots, getting experience in electronics, mechanics, programming, design software, project management, and communication, then apply today!

Details: Six students will be chosen to be on the Design Challenge Team and will work together to build a robot for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Design Challenge, a national design challenge competition. This year the challenge is to build a robot that can race through a course and collect as many balls as possible. Students should plan to work 9-5 pm or 10-6 pm from June 3rd – July 26th, with the July 4th holiday off. They will receive funding through the Gregory S. Call fellowship program, which will give a stipend, on campus housing, and meals. The team will work with Carter from Physics and Lyster from the CCE. This is a perfect opportunity to get skills that industry employers would love you to have.

Who should apply: You! If you are an Amherst College student and are interested in building robots this summer, then you should apply. Last year we funded a postbac in music, a first year who was undecided, a senior in physics, and a sophomore in math. Any major and any experience level can apply.

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