Amherst College IT strongly encourages students to routinely archive any coursework that they wish to keep long-term (such as assignment submissions and forum posts) outside of Moodle on their personal computer (backed-up regularly) or using a cloud storage option like Google Drive

Moodle sites become unavailable to students six weeks after grades are due for that term, and students will lose access to Moodle (along with other services) when they graduate or leave the College. Once sites are hidden, access to any Moodle content is at the discretion of the instructor of the course.


Saving Your Coursework

  • It is recommended that you keep a copy of all work that you upload to Moodle, along with other files accessed in Moodle while completing coursework, but if you didn’t, it is recommended that you download and store them before the course site becomes unavailable. 

Accessing Your Forum Post History

  • Go to your Profile by clicking on your profile photo in the top right corner of Moodle.
  • Under "Miscellaneous" click on "Forum Posts" 


Screenshot with a red rectangle around the link name Forum Posts
  • To save your posts, you can print the page or save it as a PDF. 

As always, for help or advice please contact